quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2010

Importante / Important

Atenção as pessoas que são da academia mas isso também é viavel para outros players em jogo.
''Respeito e Dignidade no jogo''
No jogo é como se fosse em vida real, conversamos, trocamos ideias, fazemos atividades juntos, mas o que deve ser o principal no jogo é o respeito de um para outro player. quando se ve players faltando com respeito uns aos outros isso desqualifica o jogo, isso rebaixa o jogo e seus players porque para as pessoas de fora que nao tem conhecimento pensam que  o jogo WYD é totalmente fora do correto. Estes certos players que roubam, xingam, falam mal de outros players para estragar a reputação do mesmo, quando um player confia em um tipo de pessoa desta ela infelizmente esta indo direto para a boca do dragão porque estas pessoas infelizmente existem em jogo para estragar-lo e deixa-lo mal e dificultar a vida de outros que são do bem. Portanto, eu nao estou obrigando nenhum player a seguir o que eu estou dizendo mas, atenção players do  wyd global, sem respeito e dignidade e humildade você nao irá muito longe, por isso eu digo, tenham respeito com os mesmos e ajudem uns ao outros o máximo que vocês puderem para se haver uma vida melhor em jogo e talvez na vida real também...
                                                                                      By: -TheBlinker-
Mais postagens virão aguardem!

Attention people who are the academy but it is also viable for other players in the game.Respect and dignity in the''game''In the game is like in real life, talk, exchange ideas, do activities together, but what should be the main game is the respect for each other player. when you see players missing with respect to each other that disqualifies the game, it demeans the game and its players because people from outside who have no knowledge WYD think the game is totally out of correct. These certain players who steal, swear, speak ill of other players to ruin the reputation of it, when a player relies on a type of person that unfortunately it is going straight to the dragon's mouth because these people unfortunately exist in the game to spoil him and let him badly and make life difficult for others who are good. So I'm not forcing any player to follow what I'm saying, but the players wyd global attention, no respect and dignity and humility you do not get very far, so I say, have respect for them and to help each other as much as you can to have a better life in the game and maybe in real life too ...

More Posts will come wait please !!!

Recapitulando EMos !!!! / Remembering @@


Ola! Você's não imaginam como a vida e dificil e agora vc's nao se comportam na fila? @@


1º: Não sair do seu lugar.
2º: Se você tomar DC Infelizmente perdeu seu lugar  T T.
3º: Só dou pt apenas na hora certa!
4º: NO ! spam por favor.
5º: se não tiver na fila não ganha grupo.
6º: Se eu dizer que nao haverá BOX, por favor não me pergunte de novo @@
7º: Apenas dou parte para membros da Brasil.
8º: Se você Recebeu PT, por favor respeite os que não conseguiram. (o mesmo para os que não conseguiram). @@

Demais regras serão postadas no futuro não muito distante obrigado.
Hello! You can not imagine how's life and hard and now you's do not behave in line? @ @Tips:1: Do not leave your seat.2: If you take DC Unfortunately he lost his place T T.3: Just give pt just in time!4: NO! Spam please.5: if not in the queue does not win the group.6: If I say that there will be no BOX, please do not ask me again @ @7: Just to give party members of Brazil.8: If you received PT, please respect those who did not. (Same for those who failed). @ @

Talking With GM, Conversando com o GM.

Quando você for mandar Q&A para o GM, qualquer um deles pode responder e a qualquer hora, entao manda suas cartas bem especificadas para que eles possam entender, se um deles responder o que você nao esperava, mande outra mais detalhada e refira a ultima Q&A que vocÇe mandou para eles entenderem. Para bom relacionamento os chame de senhor e escreve o máximo formal possivel para ver que a coisa é séria @@.



When you have Q & A for GM, no one can answer at any time, so send your cards well specified so that they can understand, if one answer that you did not expect, send a more detailed and refer to the last Q & A that So far you've sent for them to understand. To call the good relationship of master and writes the most formal possible to see that it's serious @ @.


Agora, para o caçador improvisado: Battle Foemas/Now for the makeshift hunter: Battle Foemas.

Well, they're basically hunters in a foema's point of view. They really kickass in the beggining of the game because of their damage buff. The bad thing is they tend to become less kickass as they level up above 255 or so. But don't think they're finished just yet: their 8th skill, cancellation, is a bless at pvp. Let's say you're engaged in a fight with, lets say, an elemental BeastMaster. you hit him until his HP goes down to a pinch, and he start using potions like crazy. Any other class would have to hit him with a really damaging skill so he could not heal in time. Instead, you simply cancel his ability to "pot". And then you just peacefully end the job. See what I mean? Now, as far as equips go, you should try to get DEF/ATT/CRIT bonuses. Bows If you intend to be long-ranged or to hunt, and Dual Axes if you really want someone dead. On the status points matter, it really goes by the player, but you should be aware that it's basically STR, CON and DEX, in that order. The CON/DEX goes about if you want to have more HP or more evasion, and you really need STR to add A LOT of damage.

Bem, eles são basicamente caçadores em uma foema ponto de vista. Eles realmente kickass no início do jogo por causa de seu buff de dano. A única coisa ruim é que eles tendem a se tornar kickass menos como subir de nível acima de 255 ou assim. Mas não pense que está acabado ainda: sua habilidade 8, cancelamento, é uma bênção em pvp. Vamos dizer que você está envolvido em uma briga com, digamos, um Beastmaster elementar. você acertá-lo até seu HP vai até uma pitada, e ele começar a usar poções como louco. Qualquer outra classe teria que acertá-lo com uma habilidade muito prejudicial para que ele não podia curar a tempo. Em vez disso, você simplesmente cancelar sua capacidade de "panela". E então você simplesmente pacificamente terminar o trabalho. Veja o que eu quero dizer? Agora, na medida em que equipa for, você deve tentar obter DEF / ATT bônus / CRIT. Arcos Se você pretende ser de longa distância ou para caçar, e Eixos Dual se você realmente quer alguém morto. Sobre o assunto pontos de status, ela realmente vai pelo jogador, mas você deve estar ciente de que é basicamente STR, CON e DEX, nessa ordem. A CON / DEX vai dizer se você quer ter mais HP ou mais de evasão, e você realmente precisa de STR para adicionar uma grande quantidade de dano.

Como fazer uma Blood FM / How to make a Blood FM

Blood Foema

Basically, you need one of these to keep your hunting party alive. They make blue lights come up , blue numbers appear and HP bars fill up. The main status is, absolutely, CON. Why, you ask me?  Well let's think about it. You're the guy who's keeping the party alive. they need you. You have low HP. You end up dead. Your party ends up dead. And you just got yourself an reputaion as the worst healer EVER. Now let's see the other option. You have a lot of CON. As so, a lot of HP (and I mean It). You start to get mauled by some retarded guy who wants your party dead. BUT you just don't go down, since you have a lot of HP. Then, someone in your party kills the guy. Your party yells at him and keep hunting happy forever. As far as equips go, anything with HP/DEF/Skill bonuses is fine. One handed staffs and shields are the way to go.

Blood Foema

Basicamente, você precisa de um deles para manter o seu grupo de caça viva. Eles fazem as luzes azuis surgem, aparecem números azuis e bares HP encher. O status de principal é, absolutamente, CON. Porque, você me pergunta? Bem, vamos pensar sobre isso. Você é o cara que está mantendo o partido vivo. eles precisam de você. Você tem pouco HP. Você acaba morto. Sua festa acaba morto. E você tem mesmo uma reputação como o pior EVER curador. Agora vamos ver a outra opção. Você tem um monte de CON. Como assim, um monte de HP (e eu digo isso). Você começa a ficar atacado por um cara retardado que quer o seu partido morto. Mas você não vai para baixo, pois você tem um monte de HP. Então, alguém da sua party mata o cara. Seu partido grita com ele e manter caça feliz para sempre. Quanto equipa ir, qualquer coisa com a HP / DEF bônus / Skill é bom. Um equipes mão e escudos são o caminho a percorrer.

Como fazer uma black Foema / How to make a Black foema.

Well Hello Everyone.
The First post here will be the basic guides for the initial builds in wyd global.
Today the matter is: Foemas
Let's start by everyone's nuker, the Black Foema

Alright, guys, here's the deal: black foemas make things fall down and numbers go up. Their main stats are INT, for magic damage, and a bit of CON, just to have some HP. The amount of CON needed goes with the player and what he want the char to play like, so add some CON as you see fit. But keep in mind that the main stat is INT, by far. Oh, if you don't plan on spending some million gold at equipment, You can put a little STR (140-175) but it's highly advisable to don't do so. And by the way, two handed staffs only please. And MAP bonuses on the armors as well.

Bem Olá a todos.

O primeiro post aqui vai ser o guia básico para o inicial se baseia no wyd global.

Hoje a questão é: Foemas

Vamos começar por nuker de todos, a Black Foema

Tudo bem, gente, aqui o negócio: foemas preto fazem coisas caírem e os números sobem. Suas principais estatísticas são INT, por dano mágico, e um pouco de CON, apenas para ter um pouco de HP. A quantidade de CON necessário se passa com o jogador eo que ele deseja que o char para jogar como, para acrescentar algumas CON como achar melhor. Mas tenha em mente que o stat INT principal é, de longe. Ah, se você não planeia em gastar alguns milhões de ouro em equipamento, você pode colocar um pouco de STR (140-175), mas é altamente recomendável para não fazê-lo. E pelo jeito, duas equipes deu somente por favor. E gratificações sobre o MAP armaduras também.


quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

If u took Hack Read This.

Information about Q&A & People who have been hacked.

Ok guys n gals,
1st things 1st, The Q&A section on the WYD site is there for you to raise problems etc to the GMs of WYD Global. When you click the Q&A link from the support page it requires YOU to login. While on my Community Scout shift yesterday a player was asking me to raise Q&A for him, we can’t as I said it needs to be YOU.
Here is a link to the support page.
Q&A allows you to submit a report and the Report will display any Q&As you have raised and shows what state they are in, either Accepted  or Complete.

Recently I have had a few people coming to me ingame saying they have been hacked etc. It is your account and your responsability to keep it safe. If you have been hacked report it through Q&A, bearing in mind that the WYD Managment policy says you only have 1 week to do so.

Ok here is what the policy says:
7. Hack Cases
Always remember that your account is your responsibility. You must be responsible enough to protect your account against such hack cases. Please read the Hack Prevention section and familiarize yourself with the different methods of hacking
7-1 Hacking
ⓐ Joint ownership of accounts
As a means to quickly level a character, users create a joint account. The other person may suddenly change the password of the account after he/she has deleted a character. Things clearly become more complicated when having a joint account because you don’t have the sole ownership of the account.

ⓑ Exchanging of Accounts
After users inside the game have exchanged other people accounts, and in case the motive of the exchange was hacking, the accounts used will be disconnected instantly after being verified of hacking. Sometimes these hackers assume a false name. GMs have the access to find out the information of accounts and all transactions that occur. The users must keep in mind that GMs don’t ask for customers’ account information.

ⓒ Exposure of Password
Be responsible in protecting your password. Never share your passwords to your friends, relatives and others. Account Information must always be kept confidential. Revealing your password might lead to hacking- items and characters lost. You must always pay attention to anyone that might hack your accounts so be extra careful and vigilant.

ⓓ Hacking Tool
A lot of hacking programs have sprouted in the net. These devices will enter your PC discreetly and these hacking tools can be obtained by visiting certain sites with viruses. When your PC has a weak security and anti-virus system, the hacking program will enter and embed itself in your Active X. Once established, the one who sent you that hacking tool will be able to see your personal information and passwords in your PC.

7-2 Hack Prevention
ⓐ One should not use his/her personal information as password. It is advisable to frequently change your password by using a combination of letters and numbers.

ⓑ Be careful when reading mails with suspicious attachment. Sometimes these attachments contain files that may harm your PC. Avoid malicious sites that may contain viruses or hacking programs. These programs stores ID and any passwords you enter in your computer. You must be always be careful in guarding your passwords so that it will not be exposed
ⓒ Regularly run your anti-virus program. You should also regularly update you virus list for to catch up with the new viruses sprouting up. You can also install adware to prevent spywares that may harm your computer. It’s not advisable to enter suspicious sites without using these programs.
7-3 Hacking Compensation
ⓐ The users will only be given 1 week to report their hack cases. Reports of hacking after the 1 week grace period will not be entertained

ⓑ Returning the exact characteristics/attributes of the items hacked is impossible. Other compensation will be implemented (The GMs will be the one who will give compensation)
ⓒ If the investigation on a hacked account is proven false, or has not met the condition of the operation policy, the company won’t give any compensation to the customer
ⓓ The hacked item will be deleted so that there will be no possibility of it being used again.

Hope this helps and please if you have a problem like this REPORT IT.


Read this la, About PAST, Curious...

Review Of Changes Part 1:- WYD Global Episode 4 – Godsend

Well Guys & Gals
Global have done it again we have moved to Episode 4 – Godsend.
So what does it mean???  Well we got some new skills, some skill changes, new items and possibly some unhappy players.
This is Part 1 of my review part 2 will come shortly.


Earrings can now be refined to +11 although there is a chance of failing. If you do fail the item will disappear.
You can no longer change cape colour ingame once you choose that is it. At the moment the GMs are allowing Gods Cele Gods and Souls Chars to request a cape colour change.
8th Skill prices are now staggered. Mortals 5m, Gods 10m, Cele/Soul 50m – This is a good change

Guild Fame :-
Guild fame is needed in order to bid towns
Guild fame is affected by Guild War, Channel War, Siege War, Kephra Kill and each members fame – Potentially a good change.

Foema Skill changes:-
Mana Control is now Mana Shield. To be honest I quite like this skill rather than giving a Foema a HP increase by removing mana it now acts as a shield by absorbing a certain amount of damage. It does this by taking 1 mana per 1 damage it absorbs.
Upside to this skill:-
Hunters Foema TK and BM  don’t hurt as much providing you have mana.

Downside to this skill:-
BMs have mana burn if they use that u then end up taking full damage again.
Now the skill doesn’t give you a HP boost most Foema have very low HP now
Gonna cost a Foema more money as they will need to buy mana pots aswell as HP pots if they use Mana Shield when hunting.

Flash Skill:-
This used to turn the screen white, I’m assuming due to Health reasons they have now changed it so the screen turns Black instead.  My opinion this skill is useless now the 3 times I have had it used on me I could still see the person and could still hit them. Think it needs adjusting slightly.


Unlock Level 370 God Character WYD Global

Ok Guys n Gals,
I have noticed a few people have been searching wordpress about how to ulock level 370 Gods.
Here is a very quick guide on how to unlock a level 370 god character in WYD Global.
First you will need to get all the items required for this process.
1.  You will need 24 Laktorerium Powders (2 x 10 pack & 4 single).
2.  You will need 1 Locked Seal.
3.  You will need 1 Warrior’s Seal.

Once you have the Items required you then need to find NPC Lindy. She can be found between the 2 kingdoms Co-ordinates 1703, 1728.

NPC Lindy

Ok, before you can unlock  using Lindy you need to right click your Warrior’s Seal or the process won’t work.
Ok once you have done that click Lindy you will see a Box like below.

Unlock 370 Combo Box

Ok so what items go where.
1.  The 2 x 10 packs of Laktorerium Powders go in the top 2 slots.
2. The Locked Seal goes into the middle slot.
3. The 4 single Laktorerium Powders go in the bottom slots.

Once the items are in the right place click Combine. You are now unlocked.
This Process also applies to Level 355 but you don’t need a Warrior Seal you can just click Lindy.
I hope this Guide helps.

About Hacks, Wy de Hacks...

There's been a distraction from all 3 servers WYD's are falling all the time, maintenance of all time ... and even rollback
At WYD BR was a rollback ... WYD Global servers in the fallen and made an emergency maintenance ...
In Supreme Destiny (WYD IN) had an emergency maintenance too ...
This shows us that teams of GM's are working well so they do not have the bug's GAME ...Note: Our blog eye on WYD WYD Global'S mainly in the WYD fastest growing in the world!

More about it @@

The Scouts
So who wants to be my assistant (beside CM Mickey of course)? First of all guys and dolls the job of a Community Scout is not a games we are doing some serious business here. Imagine you will act as some sort of a Community Manager of the person who speaks your common language or residing in your respective continent?
With great power comes great responsibility… and also great rewards that can be doubled! You heard it right doubled depends on the circumstances.
Anyway I already observed those applicants who applies just for the “rewards”.. . (The reward is really tempting but hey although it’s a part of our objective there is still a price to pay.)
I just noticed that some applicants didn’t even bother to read the instruction on the event page and that will result on either a bad impression from me of course or totally rejecting their applications.
Most of you guys received my email reply right? And I’m serious about it. Consider interacting in our forums a part of the screening process.
So for now good luck future scouts I wish you all the best.
The Updates.
Getting bored with the current game play? Well here is something to look forward to. Somewhat big is coming to town?  Talk about the Spanish word “Quatro”? Ring a bell guys and dolls or you still don’t have a clue? We already received the patches from the developers and the team is currently busy on the localization and testing of the Episode 4 Patch aka 7.53.
There is no tentative date for its release but if ever we finished the localization process earlier as expected then it will be good!
I will post some “what to expect” stuff in this blog soon…
So better watch out and better not cry because episode 4 is coming to town! Hopefully by Christmas (or earlier!).

Os escoteiros

Então, quem quer ser minha assistente (ao lado de Mickey CM, é claro)? Primeiro de tudo "Guys and Dolls o trabalho de um escuteiro comunitária não é um jogos que estamos fazendo algum negócio sério aqui. Imagine que você vai atuar como uma espécie de gerente da comunidade da pessoa que fala a sua língua comum ou que residem em seu respectivo continente?

Com grande poder vem grande responsabilidade ... e também grandes recompensas que pode ser dobrada! Você ouviu direito duplicou depende das circunstâncias.

De qualquer forma eu observou os candidatos que se aplica apenas para as "recompensas" .. . (A recompensa é realmente tentador, mas hey, embora uma parte de nosso objetivo ainda há um preço a pagar).

Eu notei que alguns candidatos não se preocupou em ler as instruções na página do evento e que irão resultar em qualquer uma impressão ruim de mim, claro ou totalmente rejeitar seus pedidos.

A maioria de vocês receberam o meu direito de resposta e-mail? E eu estou falando sério sobre isso. Considere que interagem em nossos fóruns parte do processo de seleção.

Então, por enquanto escuteiros futuro boa sorte desejo-lhe tudo de melhor.

As atualizações.

Ficando entediado com o jogo atual? Ora aqui está algo para olhar para frente. Algo grande está vindo para a cidade? Fale sobre a palavra espanhola "Quatro"? Um anel caras sino e bonecas ou você ainda não tem uma pista? Já recebemos as correções dos desenvolvedores ea equipe está atualmente ocupado sobre a localização eo ensaio do aka Episódio 4 Patch 7.53.

Não existe uma data provisória para a sua libertação, mas se algum dia nós terminamos o processo de localização anterior como se esperava, então ele vai ser bom!

Vou postar alguns "o que esperar" coisas neste blog em breve ...

Então é melhor olhar para fora e melhor não chorar, porque o episódio 4 está chegando à cidade! Esperemos que até ao Natal (ou mais cedo!).